The language of the heart
cannot be understood
by the intellect of the thinking mind.
This language is formless, label-less, being-less,
and yet defines every action that is taken by hand and word.
Every. Single. Damn. One.
This language is misunderstood in its dark waters
and yet
it is the nurturing undercurrent that guides our vessels of skin and blood.
So your action was unwarranted, hurtful or even harmful,
the movement was still initiated
from a message of pain, turmoil
and honest yearning to know love
from deep within the pulse.
What’s that you just mumbled under thought and breath...?
Crazy, you think you are?!
No, no dear one. Crazy is just another word for the unknown.
Remove this word from your vocabulary for you are simply speaking from the heart.
To the linguists of the heart.
With love.