Trauma-Informed Training

- Explore a Weekend Intensive or Six Month Certification -

Emotions should be recognized, felt, and given space to move and morph. That’s why I created LIBERATE: A Method to Somatic Freedom.

Dedicate a single weekend or commit to a six-month certification toward a transformative experience designed to educate & empower you to transmute your pain into lasting agency, resilience, and freedom. Learn more about the offerings below.

Weekend Intensive

While maintaining the integrity of the complete 6-month training program, this intensive experience offers the most essential elements from all 6 modules curated into a condensed, two-day experience. Based on the 2-hour Liberate: Somatic Release workshop, this offering breaks down the foundation of trauma-sensitive support, for yourself personally, and/or professionally through a sound therapeutic alliance through the six modules.

Each day includes 6 hours of both experiential and didactic coursework, totalling 12 hours. Each participant will be provided with a manual complete with the essential content covered over the weekend. Additionally, PDF copies of the recommended reading material will be provided via email for additional information and content reference.

This training is suitable for teachers, mental health providers, and anyone interested in personal exploration and growth. This training is for you to nourish your personal practice and professional client base.

Six Module Certification

Refer to the drop-down menus below for more information on the 6-month certification.

Our time together will be involved, raw, and unveiling.

Come prepared to move and be moved.


  • Training is facilitated by Lauren Hutchings, Yoga Teacher, Certified Traumatologist, Canadian Certified Counsellor, and founder of the teachings of Liberate: A Method To Somatic Freedom.

  • The training program is offered as a unified package divided into six modules over the course of six months.

    Each module includes 12-hours of experiential and didactic coursework, totaling 72 hours. Manual material will be sent to your registered email 24 hours prior to the start of each module.

    Additionally, PDF copies of the course content will be provided for future reference.

    Upon completion of each module, candidates will receive a signed certificate of completion.

  • Weekend Intensive:

    Each day includes 6 hours of both experiential and didactic coursework for a total of 12 hours.

    Six Month Certification:

    The training program is offered as a unified package divided into six modules over the course of six months that totals 72 hours.

    Each module includes 2 full days & 12-hours of experiential and didactic coursework.

  • All offerings are provided in person only. Location to be determined with offering.

  • This training is suitable for teachers, mental health providers, and anyone who is interested in personal exploration and growth. This training is for you to nourish your personal practice and professional client base.

  • Complete the form below to Let Us Know If You're Interested.

    Once we receive the completed form, you will be included in our newsletter with updates on upcoming training dates.


  • Six Month Certification Total Tuition:

    $2,220+ GST

    Weekend Intensive Total Tuition:

    $399 +GST

    All prices are in Canadian Dollars.

  • Lauren Hutchings and LH Somatic Counselling are not responsible for any no shows, late attendance and/or missed sessions. Any refund requests are to be discussed directly with Yoga Santosha’s management team.

  • Stay Tuned for Future Offerings.


  • | attend + attune |

    Pay attention and attune to the intra and interpersonal relationships within your life.


    | Autonomic and Somatic nervous systems: experience of the nerve engagement in each system.

    | Identification into patterns of thought and how their meaning influences relationship.

    | Exploration of compensatory and signature movement patterns.

    | Kinesthetic Empathy: dyads, miming and mimicking

    | TWO guided daily movement practices

  • | listen + express |

    Find your authentic voice in the fosterage of unapologetic self-expression. Cultivate lasting self-agency through verbal and non-verbal communication.


    | Aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication

    | Physiology and production of sound and vocalization

    | Breath and its relationship to expression and regulation of the nervous system

    | Tibetan Buddhist Seed Sounds

    | Miming and mimicking

    | TWO guided daily movement practices

  • | touch + nurture |

    Acknowledgement and renewal of personal boundaries in the creation of self-agency, safety, and security.


    | Your Self-Concept: Exploration of the Concept of Self

    | Integration: Exploration of the concept and bodies experience of integration.

    | Attachment Theory: intra and interpersonal experience of each type

    | Boundaries: Exploration of the psychological and physiological concept of Boundaries.

    | TWO guided daily movement practices

  • | explore + experience |

    Learn and understand how to harness emotion and behaviour.


    | Body Stories: Exploration of our inner narratives and their relation to behaviour.

    | Laban Movement Theory: use of the Kinesphere and the efforts

    | Bodyfulness: Studies and application of the Bodyfulness Principles.

    | The Triune Brain and Polyvagal Theory, and its approach to trauma in the body

    | Exploration and experience of Neurogenic Tremoring

    | TWO guided daily movement practices

  • | empower + manifest |

    Understand and learn how to bring potential to fruition.


    | Remittance & Release: Investigate and experience Liberate incantations and associated movement.

    | Manifestation: Explore and experience Runic psychology through movement and sound.

    | Meet Your Monster: investigate and express the personality of your pain.

    | Body Stories: Curation of your personal somatic experience

    | TWO guided daily movement practices

  • | trust + teach |

    The realization of internal freedom.


    | Reversion and relapse management

    | Creation of a daily practice (Sadhana)

    | Individual guided peer presentations of personal movement practice

    | Group peer critiques

    | Certificates

Let Us Know If You’re Interested.

Complete the form below to receive updates on upcoming trainings.

I Look Forward to Working With You! ~ Lauren