faithful + fainthearted


do not deny the thalassic waters of anticipation and doubt,


have faith within the cracks between breath and beat.  

as supple as breath,  our mind will move mountains &

  liquify to carry another through forceful undercurrents of tellings and tales,

we are magic -  illusions -  we are maya. 

we are bodies at battlefields brawling for the last breath

and yet,

stars from each other’s sparks. 

let us remain wild  in the confines of flesh,

celebrate our woundings,

and recognize that our impermanence 

is the preceptor of the wide & eternal heartbeat. 

truth is,

while you exhale in defeat, they inhale to your rising. 

take this time  to hear your heartbeat 

and let it immolate into the smoke that cleanses and

liberates another. 

lean in-

remove the actions of convenience through sincere observation


encapsulated touch.

 study what you are holding in servitude,

& neutralize through your discerning inner fire. 

and then -

let yourself be loved in all of your ways

to then repeat unto another; 

have faith within the fear.



